Why You Should Make Happiness A Daily Ritual?

1 min readSep 21, 2020

Too often in life we differ happiness in order to achieve success. The problem is when we get some level of success then we have to work even harder to maintain it. We end up having to differ happiness even more. You have to take time out each day to be happy else you won’t.

By taking time out to make happiness your priority you will have ensured you had it in your life. Tomorrow may not come and we should be mindful of that, this does not have to be something that makes us feel down it should instead be a motivating factor.

In the words of Steve Jobs: “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” Work is important, but do the things that make you happy. Find ways to do so in small ways so you can have that satisfaction. If you are able to accomplish this you are almost certain to boost your quality of life and live in a better way.

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