Why You Need To Write?

2 min readOct 13, 2020

Writing teaches you to organize your thinking in a better way and understand concepts with more depth. When you write you are trying to wrap your head around different ideas and put them together like a puzzle. Consider a quote by Charlie Munger: “In my whole life, I have known no wise people (over a broad subject matter area) who didn’t read all the time — none, zero.” By nature when your writing you are also reading so you can add more to your work. In constantly going through the process of finding new ideas and putting them together you get a clearer understanding of life, become a more full person and are able to unleash your creativity.

One of the most difficult parts of writing is just getting down to do it. Once you get started and build up some steam it gets significantly easier. Too many of us are self-conscious about what we do. You should write to enhance yourself in a constructive way, successful people are always learning and trying to grow in some way. You should do the same. Write about topics you are unfamiliar with, challenge yourself to explore unknown territories.

There has to be something that you want to learn more about. People are innately curious creatures that seek to understand life, it is something that is build into us. By advancing your own understanding you can help someone else in a measurable way. Writing can be used to entertain, teach, or expand someone else’s thinking for the better. Do not underestimate yourself, you can do much good with your work and this is why you must write.

There is a reason why Benjamin Franklin operated a printing press, and Thomas Jefferson acquired the largest personal collection of books in the United States. They wanted to learn and create change. Just as the founding fathers created a country that changed the world with their thoughts and ideas, you can do something great with yours so don’t forget that. See what you can do because you might end up surprising yourself for the better.

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