Why Your Unhappy At Work?

2 min readOct 19, 2020

We tend to define work in the wrong way, what we consider work is what other people tell us to do however this is a false concept. A better definition for work is the set of activities that you are doing to produce value. Many of us do not consider what we are actually doing to make a living and end up doing things that we do not like. This is the reason so many people are miserable at their jobs, they are doing things they don’t want to. You need to find a way to work on things that make you happy in some capacity because you will be more fulfilled and be able to achieve more.

Ask yourself what are some specific skills that you can contribute, and what areas might you be good at? There has to be some way to work in a way that suits you as a person and helps other people. Make sure you actively choose the direction that you want to take in your life. Avoid being a cog in the machine. If you think about it, in most jobs you are organizing matter in some way to produce value. Remember, you can do much more than that. Do not fall into a job and just keeping working without meaning or purpose, take actions that more take you down the path that you want to go in your journey.

Do not live your life on autopilot, live in a more conscious way. So if you feel unhappy with what you are doing keep in mind the words of Steve Jobs: “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.” Keep looking for what it is that you want to do, contribute something valuable, and create the change that you wish to see.

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