Your Aren’t Challenging Yourself Enough

2 min readOct 17, 2020

Too often in life we stay in our comfort zone and do not push past our boundaries in doing so we inhibit our growth. Everyone has something called a circle of competence, those are things that we are able to do. If we do not try new things and challenge ourselves our circle will not get bigger. In setting stretching goals for ourselves we are better able to expand our capabilities and it makes the process much easier and enjoyable to follow. There are many things we can do in life but we must open ourselves up to do so first.

Remember, we are not the best of judge of what we are able to do. Many successful people have something called imposter syndrome, they don’t believe they are the reason they achieved something. According to the dictionary imposter syndrome is defined as follows: “Anxiety or self-doubt that results from persistently undervaluing one’s competence and active role in achieving success, while falsely attributing one’s accomplishments to luck or other external forces.” You may think that you may not be able to do something, however this may just be a false narrative that you have about yourself.

You need to try things out and fail to really see if you will be able to do them. Most of the time, it is just that we do not try doing something so we do not achieve the results at all. Our thoughts hold us back from getting where we want to go. See what limiting beliefs you have about yourself and try to reverse them. So as you move forward in your life keep pushing your boundaries and figuring out what you are capable of. Lets end on a quote by Gandhi: “Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny.”

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